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Glossary of common court, tribunal and l





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Glossary of common court, tribunal and legal terms(圖1)-速報App

The glossary of terms commonly used by courts and tribunals is a free application for everyone, especially students and interpreters. It contains the various terms and terms of the law, dozens of words or terms and their meanings, used in law with their very clear description of each word in a simplified way, the automatic search option is also available to search for words and terms in a readable and alphabetical and easy way. More than useful this app is a great resource of information that you can keep and consult anywhere and anytime, for free and without any worries. Even "Glossary of common court, court and legal terms" does not require an internet connection and can work perfectly in offline mode.

Glossary of common court, court and legal terms is a database of useful legal terms and words of law, that you can put any term or word into a favorite for easy access.

Glossary of common court, tribunal and legal terms(圖2)-速報App

Glossary of common court, legal and legal terms is very useful for students following legal studies. Also for interpreters to facilitate their work.

The Glossary of common court, tribunal and legal terms was developed to provide court interpreters with common legal terms and definitions to assist them in performing the specialist task of court interpreting. Interpreting words without understanding the meaning and intent behind them can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Glossary of common court, tribunal and legal terms(圖3)-速報App

The Queensland Government recognizes that some terms may not translate easily or may require interpretation beforehand. This glossary was created as a workbook for interpreters for this purpose.

Glossary of common court, tribunal and legal terms(圖4)-速報App

Glossary of common short, legal and legal terms is an easy app that contains Criminal charges, Common terms and phrases, Court decisions, Court procedures, Levels of court, Addressing people in court, Jury terms, Domestic and family violence, Related legal organizations, ...

Glossary of common court, tribunal and legal terms(圖5)-速報App

This glossary is produced by the Queensland Government in July 2016, Brisbane Qld 4000 AUSTRALIA.

Glossary of common court, tribunal and legal terms(圖6)-速報App